Travel Update



English, Welsh and Gaelic – you’ll hear it all on a trip to the UK

English is the main language across the UK today, but there are some parts of the country in which you’ll come across Welsh and Gaelic.

Welsh is spoken in most of Wales and Gaelic is mostly spoken in the Highlands and islands of Scotland. Even in these areas, the locals more often than not are bilingual, so you won’t need a guidebook.

Basic phrases to try during your travels

It might be helpful to remember a few friendly words for any areas that you encounter Welsh or Gaelic. Here’s a handy guide for each distinct language:

English Welsh Gaelic
Yes Oes Tha
No Nac oes Chan eil
Thank you Diolch Tapadh leat
Please Os gwelwch yn dda Mas e do thoil e
Excuse me Esgusodwch fi Gabh mo leisgeul
Hello Helo Halò
Goodbye Hwyl fawr Mar sin leat

Place names

One of the unique things about the UK is its geography, both the landscapes and the terms for geographical features that are often incorporated into place names.

Here are some words you might encounter during your travels around the countryside:

  • Glen: a narrow valley, often mountainous with a stream or river through it
  • Loch: a lake
  • Moor: barren, broad, unfarmable land
  • Mire: swampy ground, a bog
  • Heath: shrub lands or grasslands usually at higher elevations in damp, cooler climates
  • Munro: a Scottish mountain that is taller than 914 metres (3,000 ft)
  • Brae: a hill
  • Fell: a rocky hill

Local slang

There’s plenty of local slang words used up and down the UK. Some Scottish slang even sounds foreign to English and Welsh locals, and vice versa! To help with “translating”, below is a list of common slang words and phrases.

The basics:

  • Aye – yes
  • Naw – no
  • Wee – small, little
  • Loo – a bathroom/WC
  • Quid – pound (in terms of currency)
  • Cheers – thanks

Food & drink:

  • Grub – food
  • Dram – a shot of whisky
  • Bevvy – an alcoholic drink
  • Chips – French fries
  • Crisps – potato chips (US-English)
  • Banger – sausage
  • Tatties – mashed potatoes

Contact our travel consultants if you want to know more about travelling in the United Kingdom.

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